Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Feline Frenzy

Life's thrown me another curve ball. It seems as though every time I'm ready to get back in the blogging saddle something comes up. Unfortunately I received some bad news mid June. My cat, Captain Jack, had not been himself so I took him to the vet. $400 dollars and multiple tests later came my worst nightmare, my cat's sick and there's nothing we can do for him. He has feline leukemia, and non regenerative anemia, which means he's not creating enough red blood cells. So he's been ridiculously lethargic, even for a cat. I've been spending all my time lately with him, making him comfortable and giving him love. He and I have come to an agreement so far as feeding him baby food with a baby spoon, it's actually kind of sweet. He's up and down for the most part, so it's hard to say how long i'll have my baby around (and he is still a baby, only 5 years old :( ) , but I plan on spending every minute I can with him. Contemplating thoughts, like "What's a cat lady, without her cat?" have been getting to me. I know I have to keep doing what makes me happy, and fashion, after Jack, is my everything.

So with Jack resting right next to me and my laptop I'm creating this post. This outfit had me feeling pretty badass throughout the day. I'm becoming addicted to my low slung black graphic tanks - I feel a rut coming on - gonna have to force myself out of it at some point...they just go with everything!

For past photos I've borrowed either my mom or brother's cameras. I have a habit of just hanging onto them after I've used them too. So recently they both demanded to have their cameras back (i need to invest, i know) and now both of their cameras are misplaced. I always knew where they were when I had them in my possession!...Just sayin'! So these were unfortunately taken with my android's camera, but I had fun styling them with a new website I stumbled upon http://pixlr.com/o-matic/ check it out sometime!

7 deadly sins tank - urban outfitters
leopard high-low skirt - forever21
olive combat boots - forever21
western inspired belts - thrift store finds
jewelry - mix of inherited pieces, forever21, thrift store finds

And of course this post wouldn't be complete without sharing a photo (or 4) of the sweetest kitty in the world, my Jack :)

The third photo is a painting my brother's girlfriend made for me. I absolutely love it.
Please send positive energy to my puddy-tat <3


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